Monday, February 09, 2004

K and I have finally met Salam Pax! We hung out in my Uncle's yard with my cousin and I interviewed him on camera for a couple of hours. We had a good time and it was just really refreshing to meet a fellow Iraqi that has the whole East/West hybrid thing going. Do you know what I mean? We understand one another. Anyway I showed him my American version of his book and he signed it for me.

After eating lunch today we decided to go walking around Al-Mansoor area by ourselves. We went to the photo shop where I bought some more miniDV tapes and then we walked further down. And there they were. Two large American armored vehicles with maybe 6 or 7 troops. And around us a couple of Iraqi police officers. What's going on? I'm really not sure. Something about a car bomb in the area. We walk around some more and I'm eyeing each car suspiciously. You never know what will happen in Iraq.

Tonight of course we are invited to dinner at one of my father's friend's house but we declined and decided to stay home and chill out.

It's gorgeous out. Sunny and the sky a rich deep blue.

I go back and forth like a yo-yo with my feelings toward the American military presence and occupation. I'm also a bit frustrated with some of the really silly conspiracy theories that come out of Iraqis mouths. It's so hard to explain America to many Iraqis. US pop culture is everywhere and that is the only thing most of the Iraqis are exposed to. That and Jim-Bob in a uniform.

One thing for sure though, is that the longer I am here the more I realize that there is a serious cultural divide between Arabs and Americans. Many of the customs are tribal here. This explains some of the problems I have had with members of my own family that live in the Arab world. I've already been told I behaved rudely to so and so...and vice-versa...I have interpreted certain gestures as being aggressive when I am told they are being super polite. Ah well. To tell you the truth I am an alien and belong nowhere.