Tuesday, January 06, 2004

I still have my hopes high to return to Baghdad at the end of January but my father has not gotten back to me. sigh.
I've been manic over this whole Iraqi trip. I'm hyper to go but also weary of my poor planning. That mixed with my father's erratic and sometimes risky adventures will definitely make it a memorable trip. But I suspect I will be surprised either way.

Watching N.American news gives you no indication of the what's really happening in Iraq. With all due respect to the US soldiers, I'm tired of the media focusing on just the military point of view. And I'm sure the soldiers are tired of what the administration is hiding. The fact that we have not seen more then a few coffins on the nightly news is alarming. How many have been injured? Tell me?

Then there is treatment of Iraqis at the hands of young and culturally inexperienced troops. There is no way putting Iraqis civilians in back of jeep with bags over their head and their hands cuffed will looks good. Maybe the soldiers need to balance the need for security and that of respect to basic human rights.